What is Council

Council represents the members of the Society by setting advocacy priorities, approving the budgets of clubs and executives as well as providing a voice for students (Bylaw 7.1). Council is further responsible to uphold the purpose of the Society and to hold the Executives and any other persons involved in Society affairs to account (Bylaw 7.6). Furthermore Council approves the termly budgets of execs and clubs.

Composition of Council

MathSoc Council is composed of up to 35 voting members, the 6 executives and up to 29 Representatives (Bylaw 7.2). Please note that all non software engineering first years are not eligible to be Program Representatives, (Bylaw 7.3) but First Year Representatives.

  1. Five (5) First Year Representatives, which are open to all math students registered as first-year with the University, except for those in the Software Engineering program. First Year Representatives are elected once the term begins but before October 15 and shall serve until they are no longer a student in their first year, or until the end of the next Spring term,whichever is first.
  2. Three (3) Actuarial Science Representatives, which are open to all math students in Actuarial Science or Mathematical Finance programs.
  3. Two (2) Statistics Representatives, which are open to all math students in Statistics programs.
  4. Two (2) Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Combinatorics and Optimization Representatives, which are open to all math students in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Combinatorics and Optimization, Mathematical Finance, or Computational Mathematics programs;
  5. Six (6) Computer Science Representatives, which are open to all math students in programs offered by the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, as well as all students in Computational Mathematics programs;
  6. Four (4) Business Representatives, which are open to all math students in Mathematics/Business programs, as well as all students in the Business Administration and Computer Science Double Degree program.
  7. One (1) Computing and Financial Management Representative, which is open to all math students in the Computing and Financial Management program.
  8. Two (2) Software Engineering Representatives, which are open to all math students in the Software Engineering program. The process to become a Software Engineering Representative is different from the other positions and is described in Bylaw 7.3.1.
  9. One (1) Teaching Representative, which is open to all math students in the Mathematics/Teaching or Pure Mathematics/Teaching programs.
  10. Three (3) Mathematical Studies and Other Representatives, which are open to all math students in Mathematical Studies programs and all math students not counted in one of the other constituencies.
Council Representatives

Avish Kathpal

Jack Whittick
Business Representative

Esha Banerjee

Esha Banerjee
Business Representative

Grace Feng

Grace Feng
Computer Science Representative

Ivy Fan-Chiang

Ivy Fan-Chiang
Computer Science Representative

Tian Chen

Cristian Moretto
Computer Science Representative

Avish Kathpal

Saivenkat Lohit Jilla
Computer Science Representative

Avish Kathpal

Tanisha Dhami
Computer Science Representative

Samantha Pater

Remington Zhi
PMAMC&O Representative

Samantha Pater

Sara Nayar
PMAMC&O Representative

Kareem Alfarra

Kareem Alfarra
PMAMC&O Representative

Alex Pawelko

Alex Pawelko
At-Large Representative

Noah Nazareth

Noah Nazareth
At-Large Representative

Christian Choi

Christian Choi
At-Large Representative

Elias Saïd Awad

Elias Saïd Awad
At-Large Representative

Saivenkat Jilla

Saivenkat Jilla
At-Large Representative

Alina Hu

Alina Hu
At-Large Representative

Sara Nayar

Sara Nayar
At-Large Representative

Melody Zhong

Melody Zhong
At-Large Representative

Vincent Chen

Vincent Chen
At-Large Representative